Small Metallic Accessoriesc

The production of the about 400 iron and brass articles, takes place in the historical works in Tolentino.

By the traditional process of production with presses for some years, had been placed autonomous activity of planning and realization of any sort of moulds, destined to the realization of articles that could satisfy specific needs of our customers.

Obviously we can offer a personalisation service for a great deal of the articles in production, using the most advanced machineries of electro-erosion. Finally, many articles are planned and realized through lathe and very advanced pantographs with industry 4.0 that allow us to satisfy also the most sophisticated requests.

Small Metallic Precision Parts

Besides the production of printed metallic articles a lot of small metal precision parts can be produced by our factory.

These articles are made on the base of specific requests from different clients as leather good, book-binders, mechanicals companies.

The articles shown in the photo (with diameter from 3 to 20mm) are just examples for our production realized by the turning of full brass bars or drawn tube with our lathe machine.